New Technical Director at Chateau Pichon Baron

From left, Pierre Montégut, Christian Seely and Jean-René Matignon

After 36 years as Technical Director of Chateau Pichon Baron, Jean-René Matignon has decided to step down and retire in April of this year.

Since 2001, Jean-René Matignon has been working with Christian Seely, Managing Director AXA Millésimes, and during this time he has taken Pichon to ever greater heights.

“It has always been a huge pleasure to work with him on this wonderful property, and to share his passion for the place and for the great wines it can produce, so it was with great regret that I learned of his decision. As well as a devotion to the pursuit of perfection in the vineyard and in the chai, Jean-René has always brought to the job a style of management marked by the finest human values, which have made Pichon Baron a happy place to work, with a team in place working together in harmony towards a shared objective, which is the pursuit of the dream of making each year the finest wine of which Pichon Baron is capable.” said Christian Seely.

Following the retirement of Jean-René at the end of April 2022, Pierre Montégut, who is already the Technical Director at Château Suduiraut, will be assuming the post of Technical Director of both Château Pichon Baron and Château Suduiraut.

Seely has worked together with Pierre Montégut since his arrival at Suduiraut in 2004.

“Pierre Montégut has been responsible for some of the greatest wines that Suduiraut has ever produced. He has achieved this through a passion and dedication of similar intensity to that of Jean-René, with a similar commitment to the idea of achieving such outstanding results through the creation of a harmonious and happy work environment, enabling the team at Suduiraut to devote themselves to the pursuit of excellence both in the vineyard and in the chai.” said Seely.

Seely also expressed he is confident that Pierre will undertake his new role with dedication and passion equal to that of Jean-René, and will also maintain the harmonious and happy work environment that has been created at Pichon Baron over the years.

“Pierre is very much his own man, as all great winemakers must be, and although part of his role is to ensure continuity, in which I am sure he will succeed, it will very much be part of his mission to continue to strive each year, as he always has at Suduiraut, and as Jean-René has always done at Pichon, to go always further in the pursuit of excellence in the work to be accomplished, and of greatness in the wines that will be made. I am extremely happy to see Pierre arrive in Pauillac, and I know that Jean-René shares my satisfaction that the great work will continue with the same team as today, under Pierre’s brilliant direction and outstandingly competent leadership.” said Seely.

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