Beaujolais Nouveau Will Be Exceptional


Beaujolais harvested its Gamay grapes under a blazing sun starting 18 August 2020

All the reports coming in since July have pointed to an early harvest in France and most of the rest of Europe.

In some regions, it is one of the most precocious on record or close to the earliest harvests ever.

Summer was a heatwave in parts of France and Europe.

I can remember visiting Bordeaux during some of these similar vintages, including 2009 and 2003.

On one such day 17 years ago, when I got back into the car after lunch at a chateau, the temperature reading was almost 45° Celsius!!

Heatwave vintages present their own challenges.

Foremost is freshness because the wines are just so incredibly fruity.

For some wines, excessive fruitiness is a great blessing because these are best enjoyed when they are very young, the bonus being they should be served cool approaching almost cold.

The prime red for an early-harvested delicious wine is, without doubt, Beaujolais Nouveau!

The 2020 quality is expected to be exceptional.

I am delighted to inform that our sister website is flying in 24 Exclusive Collector’s Bottles of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Villages Nouveau 2020.

Villages is the higher quality of BN.

Stay tuned on how you can get hold of these Silk Screen Serigraph bottles.

Wishing you A Very Good Week Ahead.



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